Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day Off; Misc.

Every week we have one full day off and we try to do something different and fun in the city. Rio has so much to offer. Two weeks ago we went walking along a coastal community, Urca, and then along a path under Sugar Loaf (see last picture). Of course, pictures just don't do it justice.

Our work is going well. Jason stays busy with Bible studies in the different communities. They are studying Romans. We are in the middle of winter here. Of course, today was about 77F and sunny. Just beautiful. However, the beginning of last week was cold and rainy (low 60's/high 50's)...that's the coldest it ever gets here in Rio. It always feels colder than it actually is due to the lack of insulation and plethora of tile. Hot chocolate is a favorite on days like that!


trmills said...

ooh, your "cold" days and hot chocolate sound wonderful! I'm longing for some chilly weather. And the pictures are wonderful- what a handsome boy! (Jacob, I mean; sorry, Jason!:)

Emily said...

Ohm y goodness, Kristin! Jacob is so beautiful! What a great smile. I've loved reading through here and catching up on life in locales slightly more exotic than Arkansas.