Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Good Shepherd

At the rustle of keys or the packing of a bag, Jacob gets wind of the fact that we are going out and his first reaction is to gather as many balls as possible by the front door. Not one can be left behind.
My son has several passions which include birds, dogs, tractors and trucks, but none quite compare to his love for balls. His favorite word is "baa". He screams it at the sight of every round object, ball or not. Our teammate, Jeremy, has a plethora of balls, so at his house Jacob spends his time searching out and herding balls. For this reason, I call him the Shepherd of Balls (interestingly enough the Portuguese word for shepherd is pastor, so I actually have a tendency to call him the Pastor of Balls because the words pastor and shepherd have become synonymous to me). Like any good shepherd he does not worry about the ones that are accounted for; his true concern is for those that are astray.


FairLady said...

I can't believe how big he is! He is so cute!

Christy said...

He does look like such a big boy! So handsome. Pastor of the Balls is a fabulous title! Apparently, toddler Phil used to have to gather all his sports balls around him in bed every night before he went to sleep. Aren't little boys the best?!

Brea said...

Too cute! Brennan gets fixated on objects too, in spurts. Recently it was baseballs. There were 2 he had to have to leave the house. Sometimes its rubber bands, sometimes a duck call, sometimes spatulas. Children are so funny! Jacob is adorable!

Jean Joiner said...

everett's first word was ball and he still loves them to this day. too bad his coordination so far looks more like mine than like allen's.

can't wait to see you all in person again this summer!